Two teddy bears

My sister-in-law recently discovered that she’s preganant. Most of us heard about it by her or by her partner, but she asked me to do two card to announce it to her sister and her cousin. Since we didn’t know back then if it was going to be a boy or a girl (we’re still not 100% sure), I’ve used neutral colors.

I used a digistamp from Bird’s Cards that I find absolutely lovely, and I used my pro-marker to color it. I used a needle to pierce the stamp where there was stitches, to make it a bit more realistic. The cards are quite simple, without too many stuff on it, but I really liked making them. Birth is theme I really love but I don’t have much opportunity to work with it.

20151014_162447 20151014_191455There’s not a lot of specific material here, the half-beads are from a brand called Artwork. The cuts have been done by my Silhouette and the stamp « Une nouvelle source de bonheur » (which mean:  » A new source of happiness ») is from Aladdine and I’ve embossed it with Artemio’s Silver Pearl powder. The base paper (the iridescent one) come from Zeeman.



BTW, I’m extending the contest duration till the end of december.

A little hint for the answer: We’ve invited 83 person in total. So, knowing that, you can probably guess the amount of announcement cards I had to do 😉

Contest for the 100th article!


The wedding annoucement was my 100th article on the blog!

It’s a new achievements! I’m still working on making to blog available in french AND in english, but for now, I suggest we celebrate with a new contest! What’s to win? A creation of your choice, 100% customized!

To enter the contest, it’s easy, you just have to answer in comment to the following question:

How many wedding announcement card did I realised?

To stay in the mood of the wedding, I’m letting you until the 22nd of November, at 00:00 (UTC+1, so the time of Paris). If nobody have found the exact number by then, the winner will be the person who gave to closest number. And, if more than one person are giving to same answer, I’ll use a website like dcode to randomly choose to winner between them.

Good luck everyone and feel free to share the contest!



Edit 22nd of November: The contest will continue ’til the end of December! A little hint for the answer: We’ve invited 83 person in total!